The ground rules
If you're reading this it's likely because I sent you here. Maybe you're a source I've reached out to, or a PR person setting up an interview or somesuch. Whatever the reason, the ground rules are the same, but it's important to clarify them.
Here's what I mean by the following:
'On the record' - I will quote you directly and attribute the words to you by name, title and any other relevant detail.
'On background' - I won't quote your exact words, but I will paraphrase what you say and attribute it to you by name, title and any other relevant detail.
'Deep background'/'Not for attribution' - I will paraphrase (or quote, with permission) what you say and attribute it according to a mutually agreed description. E.g. "a person at the company familiar with plans", "A former employee who worked closely with...".
'Off the record' - I'll listen to what you say, use it to inform my reporting, but will not include the material in my reporting unless mutually agreed. Sources are welcome to switch to off the record during an on the record/background interview, but this should be brief and made clear. I hate going off the record. Often, when people say "off the record," they actually mean "deep background."
Most important to remember is that these conditions are an agreement made beforehand. You do not get to change the terms of our discussion after it has happened*. Do not assume I agree to any of the conditions without my explicit acknowledgment. Trust me, it's better for everyone this way.
The best way to contact me is via If you want an encrypted method, I'm on Signal via (347) 766-0511.
(*I am a human being, though. For regular people -- i.e. not someone paid to represent a company/poltical party -- I get that talking to a journalist is a daunting experience and you may have doubts or second thoughts. No story is worth putting a source in harm's way or at risk of losing their livelihood. We can talk about it.)