Dave Lee

The ground rules

If you're reading this it's likely because I sent you here. Maybe you're a source I've reached out to, or a PR person setting up an interview or somesuch. Whatever the reason, the ground rules are the same, but it's important to clarify them.

Here's what I mean by the following:

Most important to remember is that these conditions are an agreement made beforehand. You do not get to change the terms of our discussion after it has happened*. Do not assume I agree to any of the conditions without my explicit acknowledgment. Trust me, it's better for everyone this way.

The best way to contact me is via dlee1285@bloomberg.net. If you want an encrypted method, I'm on Signal via (347) 766-0511.

(*I am a human being, though. For regular people -- i.e. not someone paid to represent a company/poltical party -- I get that talking to a journalist is a daunting experience and you may have doubts or second thoughts. No story is worth putting a source in harm's way or at risk of losing their livelihood. We can talk about it.)